Premium content
(for 1-to-1 clients and subscribers):
Transcending The Body: 3 Stages To Emotional Freedom
This track will guide you through 3 stages to emotional freedom: 1) Slowing down the breathing of the body to allow for all feelings to be processed over a longer period of time; 2)
Focusing on the spaciousness within which the body arises, and experiencing the Non-dual nature of reality; 3) The enlightened state, or allowing the body to take any form that it wishes to
take, knowing that your Self remains complete, ever-present, and untouched by experience.
What is Nature Tempering?
In my experience, the more the sense of separation dissolves, the more there is an increasing desire to re-connect with nature. In this event I talk more about this tendency and share
specific practices that you can easily implement during your daily routine to connect with the four elements - earth, fire, air, water - both indoors and outdoors. I explore the topic from a
Non-dual perspective and also explain the link between nature tempering and Presence, as well as touch upon other aspects of health such as dieting, breathing practices, natural movement, and
much more.