Praying to God


God is Consciousness itself, so praying to God implies you are unconscious, which you are not. This is also what is meant by ‘you are only praying to yourself’.


Prayer also means that you have looked everywhere, and have not found your Self, and so you turn to God. Of course you wouldn’t find your Self by projecting your attention outwards. You cannot find your Self since you are the looking itself. If you could and did find yourself by looking outward, it would mean that Consciousness is a by-product of the world, rather than the other way around. In other words, it would mean that God is a creation of the ego, rather than the ego being a ‘tiny mad idea’ in the vastness of God.


So, do not worship your ego. Instead, be your Self. The very fact that you can read this means you are aware. So, be Awareness itself. Your separate mind/body cannot become Awareness, since it is part of it. A thought within Consciousness cannot be the totality of Consciousness. You, Awareness, are Awake - that is your very nature.


Explore your nature as Awareness through self-enquiry.